Ambrish Saxena born on 5th August 1959 at Aligarh (Uttar Pradesh). His respected father Late Munshi Shanti Swarup Saxena ‘Bhartanavi’ a man of letters and write (Litho Artist) was well versed and intimate in many languages. He is not only a beloved father but a reverent worshipful Guru of Ambrish. In his embellishment cultivated education in Urdu, Arbi and Persian. Beautiful calligraphy and poetic ambiance obtained inheritance.
His mother Late Shrimati Kanti Devi was sophisticated and meticulous religious lady. He has three elder brothers i.e. Late Shri Anand Swarup Saxena, Inspector (Retd.) Excise Department, U.P. Saharanpur. After retirement, he was settled at Jaipur. Second Brother Shri Arvind Swarup Saxena Retd. as Senior Branch Manager, State Bank of India residing at Agra. Third brother Late Shri Avinash Swarup Saxena was Assistant Engineer, PHED, Jaipur. His younger sister Smt. Kalpana married with Shri Kuldeep Saxena, who is in Manager, UCo Bank, Jaipur.
His initial education held in a School of Municipality. After clearing high school, took admission in Aligarh Mulsim University, Aligarh and done B.Com (Hons.) and other qualification with first position. From 23rd June, 1980 he is in government service. Prior present posting, he was working at Bharatpur and Dholpur. At present he is working in RajCOMP Info Services Ltd. (Information Technology & Communication) Department, Government of Rajasthan.
His marriage solemnized on 12.3.1986 with the daughter of Shri Bhagwat Sahai Pradhan at Gwalior (M.P.). Her name is Sadhna. She has running her own business of Sarees from last 16 years. She is trustee & General Secretary of Kayasth Charitable Trust also. She is blessed with two daughters (i) Akanksha, B.E. (Information Technology, M.Tech. (Software Engineering married with Shri Praveen Saxena, Sr. Data Base Administrator settled at New Delhi. Both of them has one son ‘Vansh’). (ii) Nidhi, Bachelor of Hotel Management & Catering Technology & MBA, presently working with 5 Star Hotel.
Ambrish, at Dholpur while in service took active part in Kayasth Sabha, after that in Jaipur conducted and organized the Saxena families gathering. In 1998, a directory published by him. A cassette relating to God Chitragupta ji. After that, he published a directory of Shrivastava Families of Jaipur’s, which was released by Honourable Vice President. Government of India Late Shri Bhairon Singh Shekhawat.
His other hobbies include writing, historical and cultural debate and take active part the great zeal and enthusiasm as sincere kayasth. Several time, he has produced and presented well prepared programmes on Doordarshan and All India Radio imbibing the essence of noble cause for better education to adopt right perception.
He knows different languages like Urdu, Arabic, Persian, Hindi, English etc.also.